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Big list gemes
1 Adventure
2 Advice
3 Ancient Texts
4 Animals
5 Art
6 Biography
7 Children
8 Classics (antiquity)
9 Comedy
10 Cookery
11 Dramatic Works
12 Economics
13 Epistolary fiction
14 Essay/Short nonfiction
15 Fairy tales
16 Fantasy
17 Fiction
18 Historical Fiction
19 History
20 Holiday
21 Horror/Ghost stories
22 Humor
23 Instruction
24 Languages
25 Literature
26 Memoirs
27 Music
28 Mystery
29 Myths/Legends
30 Nature
31 Non-fiction
32 Philosophy
33 Play
34 Poetry
35 Politics
36 Psychology
37 Religion
38 Romance
39 Satire
40 Science
41 Science fiction
42 Sea stories
43 Self Published
44 Short stories
45 Spy stories
46 Teen/Young adult
47 Tragedy
48 Travel
49 War stories
50 Westerns